
The wired computers, IoT is unleashing enormous possibilities. Foyem Group is a leading provider of IoT services & solutions that help your business reach out to the public effectively with IoT applications for modern hardware connected systems.
With the support of Bluetooth enabled OBD-2 modules, GPS, Geofencing and IoT technologies, we are designing and providing Connected Cars solutions. It allows to collect real-time and continuous data on the car, position and other information that are required by different business applications. IoT applications for the automotive industry can be a seamless combination of on-board sensors, tailored smartphone devices, cloud computing, and data collection technologies. This assists with IoT technologies and approaches such as:
# OBD-2 based Vehicle Diagnostic Solution.
# Remote Vehicle Monitoring.
# Driving Behavior Monitoring & Safety.
# Smart Fleet Management System.
# Predictive Vehicle Maintenance.
# Smart Transportation & Logistics.
# School Bus Tracking.

Gain a market edge in the retail industry by introducing the most innovative IoT technologies developed by us. With over 5 years of expertise in delivering IT software to retail companies, we will support the retail sector improve supply chain operations by creating the best-in-class IoT and IoT technologies. Our innovative smart retail technologies will guarantee better and optimal consumer service that will maximize customer satisfaction and loyalty.
# Smart Retail Supply Chain Management
# Smart Mirror for Virtual Try-on
# Smart Shelves
# Smart POS
# Smart NFC based Payments
# BLE based Proximity Marketing
# Smart Delivery Management
# Inventory & Warehouse Automation
We offer ultimate in-home living and leisure experience by incorporating IoT development solutions in the real estate industry. The Smart Home Automation solutions delivered by us are tested, customer-centric and specifically customized to the specific needs of our clients. We deliver home automation solutions with Android and iOS device creation to regulate and track switches, door touch, motion & light sensors, smart thermostats, indoor surveillance cameras, smart locks, etc.
# Waste Management.
# Water Leakages Detection.
# Parking Management.
# Home Security Management.
# Measure & Control Home Environment with IoT Sensors.
# Manage Home Appliances with IoT based Mobile Apps.
# Run Personalized Schedules.
# Control Home Access.
# Energy Savings & Optimization.

We help companies to streamline complex business processes while improving overall productivity with Industrial IoT applications. Our smart manufacturing and IoT business technologies can be used to exchange machine-to-machine and human knowledge, thereby offering absolute accountability in real time. We also provide IoT software for productive inventory monitoring, supply chain and warehouse operations, along with fulfillment solutions.
# Complete Factory Automation.
# Remote Monitoring & Quality Checks.
# Track Manufacturing Equipment with IoT Sensors.
# Smart Asset Tracking Solutions.
# Smart Warehouse Management System.
# Fleet Management Solutions.
# Custom Web and Mobile Apps for Analysis.
The Internet of Things development has become a blessing for the healthcare sector and we feel fortunate to be a part of it. We offer personalized and smart healthcare solutions using IoT and other technology such as custom iOS and Android device creation, AR-VR, AI-ML, wearables, etc. Our IoT-compliant HIPAA applications provide simple recognition of EMR and EHR documents, along with other advantages for healthcare departments, clinicians and end-users (patients).
• Remote health monitoring.
• Ambulance telemetry.
• Drug tracking.
• Hospital asset tracking.
• Remote Patient Diagnostics.
• AI-ML Driven Health Diagnosis
• Hospital Mobility Solutions
• IoT for Health Insurance Companies.
• Apps for Medical IoT Devices.
• Smart Inventory Management.

Through our smart energy efficiency tools, we support companies save 30% on energy costs. With a mix of IoT sensors, AI-ML technologies and Big Data, companies will obtain valuable insights into reducing electricity usage and rising total energy performance. Our IoT tools for energy efficiency enable businesses recognize waste streams and rising carbon footprint by enhancing quantitative energy optimization.
• Smart Meter Systems.
• Remote Energy Equipment Monitoring.
• Predictive Energy Optimization.
• Data Analytics.